Thanksgiving morning and a tradition continues. This Thanksgiving I am extra thankful to spend the morning with Cheryl doing the Turkey Trot at Manito Park. 

It was chilly but as we started walking it got better.
There were more people this year than Cheryl and I had ever seen. Bunches of people so we expected to see lots of costumes to take pictures of. For a while I was reduced to taking pictures of dogs because no one had costumes. We found them though. The dogs were deleted.
The usual turkey hats!
The unusual turkey hat.
Not sure what these costumes were but looking good guys!
More crowd pictures. It was a bit slippery and I was hoping all these people walking would take care of that but no. Almost had a spill walking back to the car. Cheryl grabbed me so I wouldn't fall. Don't want to knock that head.
So cute
Toby Doolittle, my son in laws brother was discovered at the Trot. Good to see his family and I especially loved the NO WHITE FLAGS shirt. My hat seems to be drifting down my forehead to my eyes.
Ah yes, the tradition continues. Our coffee after any and every event.
We spent Thanksgiving afternoon with the Lathrops. Kristin's and Justin's first Thanksgiving dinner hosted at their home. It was fabulous for sure.
One of the chefs!Kristin has a creative touch when it comes to decorating her house. This is Layne's bedroom. It was all nice and clean and she was anxious to show me.
Lucy was jumping on Layne's bed. Layne did not like it at all.
A beautiful table setting with two beautiful girls.
The other chef! Lucy was doing a little testing of the turkey!
Squash heads. Love these girls!
The two chefs putting on the final touches of the dinner.
Grandpa loves his granddaughters!
Thought I would get a picture of Mike and I !
The girls helped with the dinner too. They made the pie crust, set the table, Lucy is cutting bananas for the fruit salad.
Mike and Justin pondering over the turkey. Is it done?
Before dinner we all sat down and Mike did a devotion then we all said what we were thankful for. Mike did such a wonderful job of sharing his thoughts. He is a spirit filled man. We were all thankful for our families for sure and the miracle of life!
Dave and Dana were over for dinner. Friends of the Lathrops and the Gleasons too.
The feast begins!
You may notice the look on Layne's face and the turkey I am holding. She flung a piece of turkey accidentally and it landed on my left forearm! We laughed! I didn't even notice it fly by I just saw it on my sweater.
The turkey was perfect. The food was delicious. It was so so so great spending the day up at the Lathrops. We love them so much. This Thanksgiving I had a miracle to be thankful for. My life after the ruptured aneurysm I had. Not only did I beat the odds by surviving there is nothing wrong with me. I thank a powerful God that still performs miracles and I thank my family and friends that never gave up praying for me. God is great!
Boy did we miss this group on Thanksgiving. We missed Katie too so much and the Gleason boys and their families. One of these days we will all get together for Thanksgiving and watch Santa at the end of the Macys Day Parade. I am so thankful for the precious family that was not with us. Love you all.