Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Newsboys Concert Septemeber 2015

God's Not Dead, He's surely Alive, He's living on the inside roaring like a Lion!  There was a lot of roaring at this concert.  Talented musicians singing to spread God's love and friends that can't be beat.  What a great night!  Bonnie, me, Michelle, and Sheila.  
Add Freida to the mix and the gang is complete!

I had never heard of Ryan Stevenson.  He was really good and I would buy his music!

Hawk Nelson was up next.  I thought Hawk Nelson was one person but it is the name of the band.  The lead singer asked how many of us thought it was one person.  A lot of us.  This band was full of energy.  Lots of jumping (I did some jumping and ouch the next day) and singing.  So, so fun to watch and listen to! 
I was more familiar with Hawk Nelson.  I have their song Drops in the Ocean on my favorites play list.  "If you wanna know how far my love can go, just how deep, just how wide, look at my hands, look at my side!"  You should listen to the song, it is great!

Praising God! This concert was sold out!

And then the bubbles!  We were right up front and got pelted with bubbles.  I was a little to the left of the bubble machine so I had fun watching Freida and Sheila trying to get away from the bubbles.

A stage change.  We were sitting close.  This is a picture of Bonnie, Michelle, Sheila and Freida from the back.
And here they come! The Newsboys!  Wow!  So much familiar music which makes listening extra fun.  You can sing too!  My voice was shot after this concert!

Your Love Never Changes!

It was so very cool to hear the whole crowd singing this song together.  Powerful!  I bet God was smiling!
He was amazing.  Funny, faithful, talented!

This was scary to watch.  After the drum platform lifted it started spinning around.  I am glad the drummer was belted in!

The end!  I just love seeing hundreds of Christians together praising God.  I often wonder if we all went out and spread the word to a couple of people how the world would change.  You have a high when you leave and it is nothing like how you will feel when you arrive in heaven.  Newsboys are doing their part in sharing how great and merciful God is.  I need to do the same thing in whatever way I can.  We all do.  The news is too good not to share!  I believe!
Click on the link to listen to a little of 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Happy Girls Trail Run 2015

My life started over three years ago.  It has been full of milestones the last 3 years, my first walk, my first 5K, my first 10K, my first half marathon, my first Christmas with my family, Thanksgiving, my first day back at work, at church and the list goes on.  Today is not as monumental as those but still a first for me.  I have a new knee joint and ventured out to do a trail run today in the beautiful landscape of Spokane.  I was a bit concerned.  I had not walked 3 miles and had only done 2 miles once.  
Of course my EAOD friends were there, Melanie, Bonnie, Michele and my second grade teaching partner Paulla!
 Bonnie and her family.
 It was a beautiful fall day.  Nothing better than the fall in Spokane (except winter in Spokane).
 Off we go and I for sure started slowly.
 Nothing better!

See that group up there?  I was determined to pass them or at least catch up to them.  I was warmed up and walking faster.
On the first big hill the group slowed down and split up and I did it.  I got past them.  Maybe not all of them but I accomplished my goal.  I was feeling good.

 Almost back!
 There it is, the finish line!
God has blessed me in so many ways the last three years.  I will add this to the list.  Even though the healing is not over and my knee is tight, swells, feels totally foreign and is sometimes painful I was able to walk 3.1 miles.  Here's to continuing to heal and to a God that loves me and takes such good care of me.  I am thankful!
 Paulla, one of my teaching partners.
 Free food, including bacon which was Freida's highlight, and drinks.
 Sarah, Bonnie's daughter!

 Freida finishing the half marathon.
 And my close personal friend Aaron!