The first thing Lucy and Layne wanted to show us were their bedrooms. Clean, clean! They were proud.

It takes a village! Everyone came over to celebrate Lucy. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and great grandparents! I know Lucy felt loved!
Lots of good helpers were around to open presents.
Love, love, love the curly hair!
Layne was right there to help her little sister! She is such a good big sister. Proud of you Layne.
Kristin, Lucy's mom, is right behind Lucy. Where do you think Lucy got that beautiful curly hair?
Ah yes, the life of a country girl. New cowboy/cowgirl boots.
Grandpa Mike and I gave Lucy this wagon. It was a hit.
What is a party without a pinata!
The older kids had to be blind folded!
Smack it Layne!
And then the crack and all the candy spills out. It's a race!
4 years old. Time goes way too fast so you have to enjoy every second for sure. I remember so clearly waiting for the announcement of her birth right outside the delivery room. The whole family was there. What a precious moment.
Justin, Lucy's dad is lighting the cake up or maybe the candles.
Yum! Frosting. They might have aquired their love for frosting for me. Love it. Or maybe all kids are born with the love of frosting, I just never grew out of it.
Cake, ice cream, and cupcakes. Life is good.
Thank you God for our precious Lucy. Please protect her as she grows up and help her to know she is loved by You and that You will always be with her. Let your light shine Lucy! That light comes from God.
Beautiful! See you all soon! Happy bday Lucy Love to all