Packet pick up! This was a new adventure for me and I loved it! Dominic asked me to help with the Chewelah Peak Trail Run which benefited Team Gleason. I had Team Gleason duties! Get items to raffle and help spread the news. Dominic was the pro and I was the rookie.

Nice shirts. Can't wait to get one that fits.
I arrived at 49 Degrees North about 7:00 AM. I was the lone ranger for a while but I got my stuff set up with the help of Eric and a nice man that actually came from the west side and camped at 49!
Love this place. If I could,I would live here. It is so beautiful and has a lot of great history for me.
It looks different in the summer.
Mary Croston came to volunteer for the trail run. Thanks Mary! Love being your friend and working across the hall from you. Great conversations always.
Ryan Grant came to help also. I teach 5th grade with Ryan. Boy, he was a huge help to me coming back to work. I appreciate that so much. I bet I am on my own next year, right Ryan? Just kidding. Good man for sure! Always there to help Ryan is!
Action shot!
Packet pick up at the mountain getting set up.
HMMM, what should I do now?
Frank had baby duty for a while. I wonder what he is teaching this young boy.
Team Gleason volunteers. Thanks you two!
Pre-race directions and send off.
Mariane and Kolette
This is the 3.5 group getting ready to start. The 10 milers already left.
Go Cougs!
Remember earlier I talked about a man that camped at 49? This is his gear. I think his name was Dave.
A little package of precious!
This is what the lodge looks like off season. Empty.
The parking lot empty
The ski racks empty!
Dominic is guiding the runners up the hill. I heard lots of comments about the hills.
Family time!
Go Evan Go!!!
Not much of a crowd because the runners hadn't started arriving back at the lodge. I have skied these hills. They are steep! Going downhill on skis way different than running up them. I did figure out if I would have done the 10 mile race I would have won my age group. No one in the 60+ women. Of course I would have had to complete it.
Great banner that Chris Smith donated for the run.Go Kolette.
and Lesley!
I never knew that 49 N was carved in the tables! I learned something new!
I so appreciate these people for toughing the hills for Team Gleason and for me! Thanks!
Remember when you could fall asleep anywhere? Those were the days! Nite nite Evan!
Waiting for Freida, the only 10 miler in our group. She never ceases to amaze me! Sprint triathlon yesterday and a 10 mile mountain climb today!
Volunteer Mary carrying her gear down from her post on the trail! You look tough Mary!
Here she is finishing a 10 mile climb!
And she is still smiling! Freida I am so impressed with you. You make the EAOD proud!
Here we are! The EAOD plus a few! There is an initiation for men to join by the way!
I couldn't decide what picture to put on the blog so I put all of them. I love the reflection of the ski mountain that shows in the windows of the lodge.
Here is another one. It is my blog right? So I can put three pictures on it that are nearly the same.
I did pretty good telling the Team Gleason story without losing it totally. Did a little now and then though. These Gleason's are truly inspiring, giving, loving, special people. So proud of who they are and how they have reached out to others with ALS. What would our world be like if we all did that!
And the winners are...So glad this one stayed in the family!
This was such a fun day you all have to come next year. Next year will be bigger and better if that is possible! A day in the mountains, you can never go wrong. God's creation at your feet. I never feel closer to God than when I am in the mountains. That is just the way it is for me!
I had a great time working with Dominic on this trail run! Steve, Michel and Rivers live so far away and it is difficult to really help like I would like to. This made me feel like I was doing something to help. Love you three! Dominic, I really enjoyed getting to know you better. Thanks for putting up with me during this whole thing. If we do this next year I will have a lot better idea of how to do things for sure. Thanks for picking Team Gleason for this event! NO WHITE FLAGS! See you at the Pumpkin Pacer!
Just in case you wanted to know what sunflowers looked like while driving 60 miles an hour down the road this is it! Beautiful at any speed.
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