Keri gave me a few tips on using my camera this weekend. I was playing with settings when I was taking these pictures on the way to Pullman for the Apple Cup. I was not driving in case you wanted to know. I didn't do as good with the people pictures. I will get there someday.
Here they are all together. My daughters! Kristin, Keri and Katie. Love them. I was so happy to see them all together for the Hall of Fame induction at the Apple Cup. They make me laugh and they make me very happy. I am so proud of them. Lots of daughter pictures on the post.
Sella's bread sticks! A delight to all.
This is why they make me laugh. Never a dull moment and it is precious!
Rivers is ready for the game and too darn adorable.
You might notice on the left side of the picture Katie. She was too hot inside so she went outside and joined the picture by staring in the window. Gotta love her!
Mike, Jackie, Tim and Kim. Friends that came to the game with us!
Couldn't get the setting correct while I was walking but you get the idea.
The ladies!
Steve and Mike before we entered the room where we watched the game.
This was our view from a nice warm room where we waited to get into the bigger nice warm room where we would spend the evening watching the game.
Michel and Keri went down on the field before the game. Rivers is there too. Keri had a photography pass.
Brrrr but a bunch of our crowd experienced the cold field before the game.
Keri, Kim and Tim. Mike is down there somewhere. Tim, Kim and Mike were down on the field for most of the first quarter.
So what do you do when you need to kill time before getting into our game viewing spot? Race on the chairs that roll of course. Notice Kristin's position. She is ready to race. Katie, well taking care of her drink is the first priority.
Still watching out for that drink.
Drink still safe.
We are in! To the left there is a bank of viewing windows. I was thankful to be inside for this game.
The seniors ran through first with WSU flags.
A few more people!
Between the first and second quarter Steve was honored by being inducted into the Football Hall of Fame. They showed clips of Steve playing football at WSU and he did a speech. Keri, tears on the field taking pictures. Katie wiping tears and so was I. It was really moving.

Back in the shelter!
Some field pictures!
The two of these guys had tons of stories to tell each other. Coach Doba is such a nice man. Mike too.
Keri and Blair!
Keri, Blair and Kristin.
Butch entered and chaos began. You can see Rivers tucked under Butch's arm.
Rivers decided to give Butch a bad time.
All in good fun!
Beauties. Keri, Rian, Butch, Kristin, Sarah, Katie. These ladies are so beautiful inside and out.
Michel's brother Vinnie surprised her and flew down.
Yes, she has two drinks in her hand. Do not give Katie drink tickets please. Never!Family!
This is Steve's Hall of Fame award. What a great night. So emotional on many levels. We are blessed, truly blessed to have the family we have and the friends we have. Congratulations Steve! Well deserved!