We are always trying to get the family to come to Bolder Boulder but no takers. Hard time to get away. Katie talked to me on the phone about the birthday present she was getting me. I am usually really good at figuring out what presents are. Some would say I am a pro. Mike won't even give me clues anymore because the slightest clue and I have it. Keri and Katie got me on this one. I flew into the Seattle airport to grab a plane to Denver. I got into the concourse and I hear this, "Bolder Boulder or Bust!". Who knows about Bolder Boulder in Seattle? I did have a Bolder Boulder shirt on! Surprise it was Katie. Best surprise ever! I was so happy. Selfie needs work but you get the idea!!!
We were both trying to take a picture of Mt. Rainer out the window of the plane. Getting in each others way! It was snow, I had to snap a picture.
Haven't flown Alaska Airlines in a long time. Food, you can buy food. I was up at 2:30 AM so food and coffee sounded great!Together, next year Kristin!
Pearl Street festivities. Rain was on its way!
Playing with fire. I just happened to get the firetruck driving by in the background! It was not stationed there!
Let's duck in a restaurant and get some food. Looks like a storm is coming.
Mexican food! Yum, yum!
I look a little scary!
We waited out the storm! Headed to the hotel!
I wish these girls knew what a joy they are to me. So great to be with them! My favorite thing is all the laughter! I love it!
Kids playing in the water in the rain. Gotta love it!
There was a carnival/street fair close by!
Here we go!
Dark clouds and light clouds! I liked this view!
And of course anytime I see snow I must take a picture. The ski areas were still open.
We have arrived on the campus of University of Colorado. We had about a mile walk to the start line! The nice part was after the race we did not have a long walk to the car.

Gearing up. Tape, knee brace...
Beautiful campus, beautiful daughters!
I thought the signs on the porta potties were unique.
Here we are at the start line. We started in W this year. Every wave starts exactly at the correct time with a trumpet playing then a blast from the start gun.
You stand behind the rope in your section and when it gets close to the start line you are moved up to the start and off you go!
Here we are!
Moving to the start line!
Under the white tent is the man who plays the trumpet and the gun is shot there too.
First thing we saw was the trampoline gymnasts!
You can see the military band playing the background. One man was standing receiving high fives and handshakes and every single person told him thank you! It was a teary moment.
This is a homemade slip and slide. This guy was in underwear!
YMCA was playing and the whole crowd joined in!
There was a band playing right by this man and he just stood and made slow movements over and over. Never really moved his feet. I bet it was a long day for him!
Highlight of the race. The white sign says Free Tom Brady. Katie yelled Go Seahawks and we had some Seahawk fans around and we did the repeat thing, Go, Go Hawks, Hawks. Priceless!
There is a story here. Katie blasted out a cartwheel before this girl and of course I missed it with the camera. The sign said you cartwheel, we drink. I think Katie missed the part that said we drink.
What???? I don't get to drink, you do? Disappointment!
Marshmallows for all!
Oh, and don't forget Elvis!
And yes, I am checking my camera because that is what I do!
This is what it is all about!
The roof guys!
A little football action for Katie! This race has it all!
Zumba, even the runners joined in.
Here it is! The slip and slide people wait in line to do.
Such a beautiful day!
I went up to the top of the hill where you crest to the highest elevation and took some pictures of those climbing up. It isn't really a big hill, you just get to the highest elevation of the race!
Here they are! The stars of the show!
I have to say I don't really notice the elevation. Perhaps it is more difficult to deal with for the runners. Keri and Katie noticed it as they were singing along with the bands!
Here we go into the stadium. This is the highlight. The final lap in a stadium filled with cheering people.
Almost to the finish!
We are done, now for our goodie bag and a drink! It's time to watch the tribute to our military people.
Why the panoramas are blue I do not know!
This is the last man finishing. I am beginning to think this is a planned thing but I am not sure. Each year I have done this race he finishes the same way. It is pretty cool to watch everyone stand up and clap for him. A standing ovation.
The wheelchair was awaiting him.
Our flag came to the stadium seranaded by the song, I Am Proud to be an American.
There was a 21 gun salute.
Followed by the playing of Taps.
I don't remember what type of planes these were but they were loud and fast. They flew over the stadium and that was the end of the tribute. It is such a great way to honor the men and women who have made a commitment to keep us free and safe!
Whew, we did it. Time to get back to the car and thankfully it was a short walk.
Some took buses to and from the race.
What a great day in Colorado! Full of laughter and love. Thanks for surprising me Katie. Keri and Kristin did a great job of keeping it quiet. Love you girls!
Until next year!