Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Lost Moose Camping September 2024

Another great trip to Lost Moose Campground!  This is a great camping area!  It's a favorite of ours.  
We were in the same campsite that we had last year.  

Bigfoot is still hanging around the campground in a couple different areas.  
There is a nice creek running behind the campground.  We never did find out the name of the creek.  

Here he is again!
Can you see why we like this place?
The fire man!!!  He builds a great fire and loves doing it. 
Sort of helping????? 
Love the pictures of the flames in these pictures.  

I took a couple of walks along the road in the mornings.  So peaceful and supernatural. 

Mike and I took a ride on the 4 wheeler.  Last year we saw a moose and this year sheep.  

Mike with the famous Olie! Linden and Jimmy camped next to us. 
Mike found a great spot to pray in the mornings along the creek! I prayed at the campsite before everyone got up. It was so good to spend quiet time with the Lord in His creation.

These are more pictures from out 4 wheeler ride!  This was a curious cabin in the middle of nowhere!  We found out later it had been there about a year.  We talked to the camp host and he said it will probably be taken down eventually.  It shouldn't be on this land. 

We saw two places where there were fires.
The door!

More scenery pictures from the ride. 

Are there any animals out there?

I wanted one picture of me while we were on the ride.  Mike did the driving, this was just for looks. 
We had a great camping adventure. We will be back next year. 

Spokane Indians Finale

A great victory for the Indians.  The other team had 14 hits and no runs by the 8th inning.  The Indians had no hits until the bottom of the 8th.  That one hit was a home run.  One hit won the game!!  So exciting to watch in the 8th inning.  The other innings not so much.  The home run made it worth the wait.  

We finally stayed for the fireworks!!!  I really love watching fireworks!!!