Friday, September 6, 2024

Noisy Creek Camping Adventure

The once in a lifetime camping trip.  For the first time we were camping with no hookups.  Thank goodness our friends Jimmy and Lindsey were there to help us.  Every time we camp we figure out a new thing that will get us out the door and on the road quicker.  We were ready to go in record time.  As we headed down Maple street which is just a few miles from our home, we heard this loud metal, clanking sound.  I thought we hit another car but that wasn't it.  Mike pulled over quickly.  One of the sway bars came off the trailer hitch. So glad we didn't hit anyone but there went our early departure. Mike got to a side road the secured the sway bar. Off we go again. 
The rest of the drive  to Noisy Creek was uneventful.  We had a great camping spot.  Full of trees and shade. 
Just in case anyone is tempted to leave food out for the bears at night a bear box was provided to store all the bears possible snacks. Except humans of course. No room for humans in the bear box. We never saw a bear or any wildlife except squirrels and birds.  

There was a little issue with the generator powering the trailer.  It was running but the microwave didn't heat and the coffee pot barely worked. It was fine the night before.  Jimmy and Mike problem solved. A reset button was discovered and there was a light that had to illuminate before the generator was connected to the trailer.  Problem solved. 

The camp cook started up some pancakes, and bacon our first morning.  We were getting this dry camping thing, at least we thought we were. 
Love the coffee pot! We used it to boil water.  We found it in the basement and it will come with us each time we camp now. 
Here is where the adventure or challenges began.  Tuesday Mike got up in the middle of the night to check the charge level in our batteries.  Zero charge.  What do we do?  Everything was going so great until it wasn't.  We decided to start the generator in the middle of the night.  Fortunately, the campground was not crowded and we didn't wake anyone up, at least we don't think we did.  It is against the rules to have your generator on after 10 PM.  We ran it for about an hour.  We got up in the morning and the same thing.  Zero charge in the battery.  The red warning light came on inside the trailer and the trailer was beeping which I thought was a warning that the propane was leaking into the trailer.  I tried to get Mike out of the trailer but he said he was fine.  GRRRR. Turned out that the light comes on if your batteries are dead. No batteries meant pretty much nothing would work in the trailer. You can't move the slide, the awning, no coffee maker, no water pump, etc. The check light was on the refrigerator which meant it was not cooling.  There was also a sulfur smell around the trailer.  What was that?  We had never smelled that before. Will things blow up soon?  We did learn that the batteries still have a job even when you are using propane.  Good to know. Since we always have batteries plugged in when we camp we were not aware that they were done charging anything. They were just for show now and not working at all.  The batteries really aren't that special to use just for show. So with lack of sleep Mike took off early in the morning to get new batteries in Spokane.  I started the generator a couple of times to save the food and to keep myself warm. It was pretty cool in the morning and we were in shade.  I explained to Jimmy and Lindsey what was going on.  I came and visited with them a couple of times while Mike was gone. Mike arrived back at the campsite around 3 PM. He asked about the sulfur smell when he was in Spokane.  That smell was coming from the batteries. Wow! Mike put the new batteries in and now the camping trip was on its way to being trouble free.  

Oh, one more thing we discovered earlier in the trip when Mike and Jimmy filled our fresh water tank.  The tank won't drain.  The drain spout turns but nothing comes out. Wonder what is clogging it?  Not sure I want to know. 

We both got a good night sleep and the next morning scrambled eggs were on the menu. This is a rare sighting of me in a picture and not behind the camera.  

On Thursday Mike and Jimmy went fishing.  Lindsey and I took the short walk to Sullivan Lake.  What a beautiful area.  I am in awe of what God created for us to enjoy.  

This makes perfect sense, don't shoot your gun where people may be.  
Over the bridge back to the campsite.  
After we took our walk I got my guitar out and Lindsey came over and sang with my playing.  It was a wonderful to hear her beautiful voice singing with my guitar playing. Special moments. 

Friday kayak day.  It was a nice warm day and perfect for getting out on the water.  We borrowed a kayak from Sheila so we could both enjoy being out on the water.  

Can you see Mike far, far away?
More views of God's creation.  I am thankful everyday that I can experience this beauty. 

It was so good to be in the kayak again.  It had been way too long!  It is so peaceful and quiet. 
Our last night camping.  We sort of invited ourselves to eat dinner with Jimmy and Lindsey. It was a wonderful evening.  We spent each night of our trip around a campfire that Jimmy started.  At first there was a burning ban.  It was lifted.  That made us all happy!
The chefs!
The dinner set up!

Ok, this guy was the star of the trip.  Oliver James!  Awesome dog that got more attention than anything or anyone on this trip.  

Dinner is on!!!!! 

We learned a lot about dry camping from these two!  We were very thankful we shared our first camping trip without hook ups with them.  Great company anytime! Good friends. 
Campfire pictures.  Lindsey bought chemicals to add in the fire to create different colors in the flames.  Unique and fun to watch!  Thanks to Lindsey and Jimmy for the tips they shared with us during this trip!  

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