Off to the train ride from Georgetown. We didn't know what to expect but we got beautiful scenery and a quaint little town.
We are at the train station. Can you see the bridge in the background? Soon we would be traveling over that bridge.
Choo choo! The train is coming in and soon it would be our turn.
Geology geek I know. Love rocks and stuff like that. You will see some rock pictures in this post. I think they are interesting and cool. Made up of so many different minerals!
A conductor just like in the olden days. Punching our tickets!
Over the bridge we go!
Spectacular view!
Love seeing the snow still hanging out on the mountains.
This was our turn around spot. We got off the train for about 10 minutes. It was a short, slow ride.
The steam engine was being repaired and we checked it out. Perhaps we could have given them a few tips on how to get it up and running again.
These rocks are the remnants of gigantic rocks that had to be blasted for the train back in the day.
There are original rock walls. No mortar or any type of cement to hold the wall in place. There are some rods in the wall now to reinforce it.
More rocks. Aren't they beautiful.
This is a stop along the way for those who want to tour a mine. Keri thought it might be a bit scary for the boys in the dark caves.
This is Georgetown. A pleasant surprise.
Gotta love the sign!
This was the look on Easton's face while the owner was telling his story. Poor boy, ghosts aren't real.
This is the owner of the place. All smiles right now.
Keri took Easton to the basement room. Lots of writing on the walls. Easton found the owner at the top of the stairs and told him the stairs were talking to him. They were creaking!
We met Steve and Jackie in Georgetown. This picture is for Steve and Mike!
Steve and the Jackie's!
Brother and sister and Chip! So good to see Steve!!!
A little ice cream treat to top off the day! Easton has salt water taffy!
Close up portrait of my brother, Steve.Goof ball!
I would like you to meet Chip. One of the Kaminski's dogs. Not sure how many they have. At least three. We have three dogs too.
Nice picture
Silly picture
Nice picture
Silly picture
A little more scenery!

Tic tock, Tic Tock! Time to head back home.
You think we can get these fellows up out of their chairs?
We had a nice time and a short but great visit with Steve, Jackie, and Chip. Until next time!
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