Friday, June 28, 2024

24th Anniversary Adventure

Mike had a plan! Lunch at Priest Lake to celebrate our 24th anniversary.  It was a great plan for sure.  As we got to the Priest Lake area Mike wanted to take an outlet road to Hills Resort.  It was an adventure. The road looks nice enough but it was bumpy and rocky, not to mention the trees that were right along the road.  What a beautiful view!

I just got some scratches removed from my car.  It is looking good.   I was concerned about the branches scraping my nice new repair job.  Mike was really careful.  One branch was a surprise, neither one of us noticed it. Small marks on the side of my newly polished car.  Sad but true! 

We ended up at Hills Resort for lunch. It was a great day to enjoy the lake and some great food. 

I spotted a bald eagle flying in this area.  That always sparks joy in my heart!  I didn't get my phone out to take a picture fast enough but it was a joy to see it and it made the day even better. 

A little investigating for Mike. He used to stay in cabins here when he was a child.  Just walking down memory lane. 
It was a really, really great anniversary celebration.  Thanks Mike for the idea. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

1st Pitch Mariners Game June 2, 2024

This was a first for us.  Steve invited us to come to the Mariners game because it was the ALS Awareness Day and he would be participating in throwing out the first pitch.  
When we got to the stadium we were escorted to the green room.  Why they call it the green room I don't know.  It was where we waited.   It's not green. 
A picture of a picture, Ichiro wasn't there.  
Ken Griffey JR wasn't there either. 
I have wanted to step foot on a major league field for a long time.  Well, I got my chance!!  

Here we are!!!
I think that thing the struck me the most was how big the field is, especially the outfield.  The players have to run a long way to get the ball!  They are really good, really good. 
On the big screen Lou Gehrig! 
Mariners warming up.  I didn't bring my regular camera.  It has a detachable lens.  Not allowed.  I could have because no one was checking us for things like that. Who knew!

The Star Spangled Banner was played by Mike McCreedy.  
The McCreedy family. 
Time for the big event. 
These two young people lost their dad to ALS the previous year.  They each threw out a picture to the Mariners left fielder. 
Sad reason to be there throwing out the first pitch and they did a great job.  

This is the view from the suite we had.  It seemed far away but we had a birds eye of everything that happened.  Mike and I liked the view! 


Celebrating again. 
And the Mariners win!!! 

The group!!!  


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday with Lucy and the Mudhens

Another day at the ballpark watching the Mudhens.  Not as many pictures this time.  They won again.  
Lucy is fast, fast around the bases!!! 


What an arm!!! 

So far the Mudhens have had significant wins!! Pretty sure they will keep it up on Sunday!  Go Mudhens!!!! It's great fun to watch Lucy and the whole team.