These pictures were the day before the ski day. Mike and I were taking his old car to Elk (finally) to get it fixed so we could sell it. Mike knows someone there who has a shop and he does a great job. On the way we had a guest appearance from a little doe! 
Beautiful animals. I keep thinking I would like to try hunting but I don't know if I could aim and shoot at a deer. I just like firing the rifle at a target. 
I love the looks of this church! Finally got a decent picture to post. Or maybe I got a second or third decent picture to post.
Drove up to the unload your skis area and found Mike and Cameron manning the fort. So friendly. Carman even remembered me from the last time I was there. The employes at 49 are so friendly!!! Makes it even a better place to ski.
This is Sherry! She works in the marketing department at 49. ONE of her duties is to ski around and take pictures. Fun! Also extremely friendly. I wanted to meet her because she had emailed me and my new friend Joe took me to find her. I keep interrupting employess while they are eating and working. Sorry!
Wow! Way better this time. Last ski trip I grabbed my old skis which aren't that old so they worked fine. Mike called it an aneurysm moment. I have those now and then. Way better with these skis. Easier on the knee joint I need replaced.
Yes, you are seeing correctly. They are who they look like. Shelly had told me that the nuns were skiing and I wanted a picture of course. My first run I went up to the chair lift 2 and there they were. I asked if I could use their picture on the internet. They said yes as long as I was appropriate. No problem there. I rode up the chair lift with one of them and we had a nice little chat. She did not know who the other Jackie Gleason was though because her parents took the TV out of their home. No loss for sure. I think that TV needs to be off way more than on!
I rode with the sister on the right up the chair lift.

I went after the bell on that run and rang it. Really, it is a requirement to try and ring one of the bells along the runs at 49 Degrees North. Not sure what happens if you don't and I don't want to find out. :-) Maybe they send out the snow snakes or maybe there is a trap door along the runs or maybe workers hide in the trees to make sure you are ringing at least one and if you don't ...:-)
You ski down into the fog. See the people? They are headed to fog and so am I! It was a fabulous day even with fog.
On the way up to 49 I saw an eagle soaring around. Policemen don't like it if you text and drive so I figured driving and trying to take a picture of a flying bird might not be a good idea either. Always using my head aren't I! So I decided to STOP and take pictures of the eagles relatives. I am pretty sure these birds are related to the one I saw, they look almost exactly alike. Maybe mom and dad because the one I saw was smaller. I am pretty sure these don't fly. Wings probably clipped unless when we all go to sleep they take off and come back to their perch in the AM.
Guess who I found on the way home. Some grand kids, their friend and my daughter. They live in Deer Park so it was on the way home. I couldn't resist stopping to see them. Their mom does so many fun things with them.
Lucy and Kristin
Ella is a friend of Layne's and the whole family.
Kristin wanted to be standing right by Lucy when she went up the ladder. It was slippery and her boots would slip a bit. Safety first. Every time Kristin would touch her Lucy would tell her to let go of her. Independent and she is fearless. Scary for a mom and grandma!
Kristin, a kid at heart, sort of like her mom, had to get in the action.
The girls call their dog Roy Boy!
Lucy kept telling me she was stuck and I would say stuck again? I would walk over to help her get started and she would take off. Fun game.
Kristin's turn
My turn. The kids can't have all the fun.
The snow comes right up to the bottom of the slide so there is no way to stand up when you land. I think this is a good landing. 10 for style points.
Kristin would toss a snowball and the girls would try and catch it on the way down the slide. Layne was successful. The other two caught part of the snowballs. The rest flew into pieces.
Time to go home and Layne managed to have everyone else drag the sleds. She moved slow enough that everyone else grabbed them. She said it was OK because she was the only one that caught a snowball. Another great day! What a good life I have been given!
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