Happy Birthday Jesus.
6 months of healing today. Christmas 2012. The best Christmas present ever. I was bubbling with joy this morning. First thing on the list was Christmas socks. I am sure Katie was excited about the case for her swim goggles in her sock she just hadn't finished that beautiful smile. I snapped too soon. 
Mike is showing our Christmas tradition of cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs in the morning. After socks of course. Easy fast breakfast!
Gross. Katie wanted to know if Mike was saving the cinnamon roll around his mouth for later. He said, no he was saving it for the dogs. Rocky licking the cinnamon roll off Mike's face. Icky! Icky!
A total of three new ornaments for the tree. Mike wondered where I would put them but there is always more space on the Christmas tree!
HMMM, I wonder what is in this box! What could it be!
A coffee mug you can plug into the lighter plug in your car. The gift was from Katie! Mike loved it and so did I because he has been using a mug Katie gave me a couple of years ago daily because it keeps the coffee very warm. I would look for it at home and not there. Mike had it. Now I can use my own mug. Nice gift Katie for both of us.
A triathlon mat!!!! Great present. No sandy feet after a swim and no sand or dirt in my bike shoes.
Get a little sweaty and sticky after the triathlon but already checked out of the hotel? Use the shower pill! Wipes of the sweaty and sticky for the drive home. Thanks Katie!
A night out from my husband!
This was one excited young lady. A bike trainer from Mom and Mike!
Sporting the WSU flag she got from Keri!
No White Flags at Christmas!
The master chef of the household cooked the turkey this year. It turned out the best ever. He went to the store to pick up a fresh turkey he ordered and no turkey. They had some organic fresh turkeys for $4.00 a pound though. They gave Mike one for the same price as the one he ordered. It really made a difference in the taste! Notice Mike still has his nose strip on from sleeping!
Katie chilling in THE LOUNGE. Some call it my office but I call it a lounge. It has a couch in it for heaven's sake. Offices don't have couches. My family reluctantly calls the room THE LOUNGE sometimes.
Ken and Mike working on the turkey. Ken loves to cook and was a big help to Mike.
Dave and John! Neighbors we invited for dinner. Wow, are these a couple of nice men!
4 men in the kitchen. What!!! You might want to copy this picture and save it. Might not ever happen again. Pretty sure it doesn't signal the end of the world but it was pretty amazing and cool.
Dinner is just about ready to be served!
Sammie was nervous with all the people at our house. She loved Leola and wanted to be friends with her. Leola didn't mind Sammie on her knees at all!
A Merry Christmas for sure!
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