I started this day a little nervous about skiing and going by myself. I have skied by myself a lot but didn't know what to expect my first time up after aneurysm. It turned out to be one of the best days ever! I felt like God was with me every minute showing me his wonderful creation and the wonderful people in the world. I had so many wonderful conversations with people I didn't even know. One stood out for sure. I just don't have the words to describe the day. It was amazing, spectacular, eventful, and more. It was a blessing. I got teary eyed just driving up to 49 Degrees North and riding the chair lift and getting my picture taken...

You will see a lot of snow pictures. I just couldn't resist! I feel close to God and nature in the snow. It makes me happy! Joyful.
Almost there! Just turning to the road to the ski area.
Chewelah, WA on my way up the mountain. Feels like home here I have skied so many years at 49 Degrees North.
Roads were pretty good! I drove slowly and carefully.
Isn't it just beautiful!!!!
I had to get my picture taken by the Christmas tree in the lodge and I made a new friend in the process. One of the blessings of the day. A huge blessing.
Joe! Joe works at 49 and has for years. I see him all the time and recognized his face so I interrupted his meal and asked him to take a picture of me by the tree. At first I wasn't going to go over to him. I didn't want to bug him. He was way on the other side of the lodge. Then I just did not sure why. I know why now though. So glad I did. You know me. I was teary and so excited about the day skiing. I shared my story with him. Joe had his own story to tell. I won't tell it because it is not mine to tell except to say he has had experience with brain aneurysms too but not with the happy ending I had. I was impressed with the person he is and how he handles life. He was joyful. I knew we were meant to meet each other and share our stories. I look forward seeing him again and introducing him to my gang that hangs out at 49N. Thanks Joe for sharing with me and listening to me. You are a new friend that I am so happy to have. One mistake of the day. Although I am healing my brain doesn't always work as sharply as it did. I know it will come back. I had Mike convinced Monday was Tuesday earlier in the week and I really believed it was Tuesday on Monday. Anyway, I grabbed my old skis as I walked out the door. Loaded them in the car and never noticed until I leaned them on the rack that they were the old ones. Oh well. Could be worse. Mine are the gray ones with the yellow down the middle. They worked!
First ride up the chairlift on chair 2. Started with the intermediate stuff first. Actually took some runs on the bunny hill just to gain confidence. It worked.
Perfect Christmas tree! Took this riding up the chairlift! 49N people you need lights on that tree. You know your hands get really cold taking off your gloves to take pictures. Two little boys were singing, "You better watch out you better not cry, you better pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town." It made me smile and I sang along. When I got off the chair lift I told the boys they were awesome singers!
1st run complete. True Jackie form again I stopped and had someone take my picture. I am sending this one to my surgeon in Seattle and the ICU nurses. God is great and it is a miracle I am on this ski hill. Thanks to everyone that prayed for me. God listened.
Thought I better get one that shows my skis connected to my boots so no one thought I was faking it. Kidding of course.
Here I go to the top of the mountain! Before I got on the chair lift I said a prayer and asked God to either talk to me if I shouldn't go on this chair or make me really, really scared. Neither happened so off I went. Tears in my eyes, tears of gratitude. Lots of pics of this chair. I couldn't help it. I deleted some so it could be worse. Cold hands.
Off the chair and into the fog.
See the bell hanging on the tree. You have to ski next to the tree and hit the bell with your pole. Everyone does it. You sort of have to do it.
I did it! Sometimes I miss it but I didn't this time. Joyful sound!
After you go down the ridge run you get to a pretty steep part off to the left. One of my favorite runs and I went down it. It was sort of slow going but I didn't care. I was so happy to be on that run! Won't be long and I will be sailing down it like I used to. It would have helped to have my other skis. They don't hurt my knee as much turning. The plan was to get my new knee joint after ski season but that has been delayed. I wish I knew the name of this run but I don't ever pay attention to the names. Maybe that will be a goal this year to learn the runs names.
I always like it when I get a person in a shot because it show the perspective. Big wide run. Got past the steep part.
AHHH, the traditional chili tasted better than ever.
Just a random shot of the lodge.
Chili is gone! Best bowl of chili I have ever had.
This was the bonus of the day. What a way to cap it off. My daughter Kristin and her family took a week ski trip to Canada. They were coming home today. I texted her as I got gas in Chewelah. They were about 5 minutes behind me. We stopped in Deer Park at Yokes and we met. Hugs all around. They live in Deer Park. This is Layne my granddaughter. Super skier.
Lucy granddaughter number 2. Ski pro.
Kristin, Layne and Lucy
Justin, the dad with his beer! I was so happy to see them and shared a bit about my day. When I showed them Joe's picture they recognized him. They have passes at 49. A precious family and I am so blessed to be able to love them and see them grow as a family and see those precious girls grow up.
As I drove up to go skiing a thought came over me. My dad was not someone I could count on for much of anything. I think that colored my life a lot. Too much at times. I haven't been great at believing I could count on people so I became very independent a do it yourself person. Not a bad thing because I know how to take care of myself and have. But I think that has always been in the back of my brain even though I have been surrounded by people I could count on. Don't get me wrong I love my family and friends and have been able to count on them. I know that. I have always counted on God. I think that thought just hung in the back of my brain all the time. I realized after all of this aneurysm stuff that thought is no longer there. It is gone. I don't have it hanging there anymore. It feels good and right. What a day! I can't even begin to express what this day was like but I tried to blog it and make it real to you too. God bless you and thanks for being there for me through thick and thin! Love you!
ReplyDeleteUs here at 49° North love this blog. You have a truely amazing story. Thank you for visiting our mountain and we hope to see you and your family again soon,
Sherry Brewer
Hip Hip Horray!