Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Boulevard Race 2024

I believe this race will become a tradition for me even though it was on a Sunday.  It was such a fun time with lots of bands and sideline cheering along that way.  I didn't start taking pictures until I was half way through.  I thought I better document this, it's great! This is the second Boulevard Race.  There was a couple thousand people that attended.  

A high school band cheering us on.  There were a more high school bands along the way.  
Some of our sideline support might have been having more fun than we were.  
This was a 4 mile event.  I walked with Peggy. 
The Gonzaga basketball players even cheered us on! Didn't get a picture of them. 
Bubble, lots of bubbles! 

Here we have it! 4 miles done!!!!  So good! 
Hanging out with these two (Bonnie and Peggy) made it so much better!!!  See you next year Boulevard Race! 


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