Saturday, March 19, 2016

Schweitzer with the Lathrops

This is the day the Lord has made!  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!  Wow what a ski day!  So much fun!  Family and no pain in my knee.  Yahoo!!! This day was a Christmas gift from the Lathrop family. Best gift ever!  Skiing and time with family!  Perfect!
 I had some precious cargo on the way to Schweitzer.
 Yes, she is precious cargo too!

 Almost to Schweitzer.  I had been about 2 years since I had skied at Schweitzer.  I know why the Lathrops love it.  Long runs of all shapes and sizes!  I skied harder than I have all year.  That is a good thing.  Getting my legs stronger.
 Serious blue sky!
 You might as well get used to it girls.  Grandma will be taking pictures all day!  Yep!
 Almost ready!

 Off we go!!!

 Oh what a view!!!!

 This little guy fell and his dad had to hike back up to get him.  Kristin jumped in and got him upright.
 God tells us we should know Him because of his creation!  I do!

 Lucy is almost 7 and Layne is 10.  They can ski all over the mountain.  Seriously.  Justin said there is only 2 runs they haven't been on.  They are amazing.

 Me taking a picture of Kristin taking a picture.

Lunch time is play time.  The pizza was ordered but why sit inside and wait when you can use your body as a sled on the hill outside the pizza parlor!

 Jason is selecting the second pizza they are doing to order.

 Here we are minus the photographer, Kristin.
This is what moms do after lunch.  Take all the things they left in my car to their locker at Schweitzer.  

 Heading out again!

Seriously, this is a run that Layne and Lucy do!  It is steep! And the start is like going off a cliff!  They are 6 and 10.  What will they be doing when they are teenagers!
 This is how you rest when your daughters have to use the restroom.
 More resting.

And why not sit down and eat snow when you are thirsty!  Everyone does it!

Headed back to my car!  The rest of the group continued skiing but my legs were tired so I thought I would be smart and stop.  I skied until about 3:15.  Longer and harder than I have since my surgery.  I love the feeling of sailing down the mountain.  I feel so free!  It is even better now that I can do it pain free.  It has been a lot of years skiing with a bad knee.  Today I flashed back to the good old days.  I can't wait until my legs are at full strength.  I ski better already.  I can turn right and left equally.  Can't wait, can't wait!  I loved skiing with the Kristin, Justin, Layne, Lucy and Jason.  Family!  

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