Friday, January 18, 2019

New Orleans Basketball, Baby Gray and Family!

Off we go!  Our trip to see the Gleasons and meet baby Gray for the first time.  Gray, our little granddaughter!  Flying above a blanket of clouds.  Closer to God?  Nope because He is always with us no matter where we are!  That is a good thing!!!
 We flew over the Grand Tetons!
Our plane ride was an adventure as it usually is.  We pray for divine appointments and a chance to share our faith when we leave. That happened more on the flight home although I think meeting this group brought us a lot of joy and God loves us to have joy.  This was a divine appointment. Anyway, I was wearing my Team Gleason shirt on the plane.  Before we took off I got talking to the stewardess about who Steve was and the man in the seat behind me on the plane asked if I knew Steve.  Yes I do! Mike wasn't at his seat so he missed this part.  Well, guess who the man was sitting behind us!  Reid Brees, the brother of the Saints quarterback Drew Brees! He had a group with him.  When the stewardess discovered who Reid was he was the talk of the plane. A whole bunch of Saints fans and relatives of Saints players on the plane! There was a lot of laughter in the three rows we were sitting in.  There is also a story to be told.  It had something to do with Mike moving around too much (he didn't realize he was doing that) and a stewardess that wanted to calm him down a bit and offered him a free drink or two.  Being Steve Gleason's dad played into the story too.  By the time we landed I am pretty sure most people on the plane knew who we all were. The flight ended with the stewardess getting on the speaker and saying, "I love you Mr. Gleason!"  It was followed by the pilot saying "Don't get too excited, she says that to everyone!"
We went straight from the airport to watch Rivers play basketball.  He is getting so grown up.  I was wondering what he was thinking here.  Maybe, I sure hope this basketball goes in hoop.  I just can't watch!
 A little coaching time with a great coach, Kyle.

After the game we went to the Shogun restaurant.  It was fun to watch the food cooked right in front of us.

Now this is talent!

This is one way to be served food!

So much food.  Such good food. Too much food!
 So precious!!!

 This is one of Gray's favorite positions!  Move her and she cries.
 There could possibly be an excessive number of Gray pictures.  I deleted a ton just to let you know.  She is so cute it has to be documented for my blog book.
 Hanging around the house on Saturday.

 So, so cute.  Just want to hop on a plane and spend more time with Gray and Rivers!  Two beautiful grandchildren that God has blessed us with.

 Rivers loves his sister so much!

 This picture melts my heart!

 Saturday is winding down.  A sleepy mom in the background!
A sleepy baby!

Good night!
 And everyone is done!  A great day!  What's next?  Who Dat!!!

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