I have been using the camera on my I Phone. I think it takes good pictures but the verdict is still out! They seem a bit graining or something. Time will tell.
I am not really sure you can expect the unexpected because then it would be expected. It might be impossible! I think you can expect things not to go the way you planned but Mike and I never expected this anniversary ride to end up so fabulous. Mike asked me what I wanted to do for our anniversary. I didn't want a fancy dinner or a big present. I wanted time with him. A ride out into God's country on our motorcycles. I just wanted to be in nature and thank God for his beautiful creation and to thank Him for the life he gave back to me so that I could celebrate this anniversary with Mike. We decided to ride around the lake and end up the ride in Coeur d alene to see Stephen, Michel and Rivers. They are here for a couple of months! Off we went. 
Our first stop was to get a snack! Hunger rules! Lots of motorcycles stopping and passing. One group of guys stopped and by the looks of the bikes and gear we thought they were on a long ride. A few of the guys came over to check out our bikes. I always tease Mike about anyone that looks at our bikes. They probably like mine the best which usually isn't true. I went over to talk with these gentlemen and first thing I said was, "You like mine the best right?" That got the conversation going and we talked about several things. I told them the story of me getting my motorcycle before Mike got his. I shared that I was a little nervous about riding again because I had a brain injury. Nice guys! They were riding from Canada. This is Grant! He came and talked to us later after the first conversation. He told us about the rains in Canada and how the Saddle Dome Athletic Stadium (hockey) filled with 14 feet of water and 3 people died because of flash floods. We hadn't even heard of that happening. Very sad. Grant was very nice. We always meet nice people along the way on our adventures. Grant and his group included. Grant if you see this leave a comment on the bottom!
I will always stop for church pictures and bridge pictures. Not sure why. Well, I know why the church pictures because the crosses remind me of what Jesus did for us! It makes me feel grateful when I see a cross on a church.
Mike is waiting patiently for me to take the church picture. Gotta love him.
The whole point of this ride was to spend time together enjoying God's creation! Here it is! Love the streak of clouds in the picture!Oh yeah, Easy Rider!
More of God's creation, it was a beautiful ride.
Easy Rider number 2!
At one of the pull outs we made a couple more friends. They live in 9 Mile Falls just outside of Spokane! We had a nice conversation about riding motorcycles and how neat it is to smell the trees and the outdoors. Can't do that in a car. This is Dave and his wife Cheryl!
A together anniversary picture.
Mike took the camera/phone and was taking pictures. I started yelling, "A Bald Eagle, A Bald Eagle!" Well, it flew by and Mike tried to get the picture but missed it. He got this bird instead. Darn! I love seeing bald eagles. My favorite Bible verse, Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.
We stopped at St. Mary's for some gas! We decided to go on to Harrison, ID for our anniversary lunch. BUT... we took a wrong turn. I didn't really notice for a while and it seems Mike and I noticed at the same time. He flagged me down and said this is wrong. No lake. We are supposed to be going around the lake. We decided to go on to the next town and ask how to get back to Harrison. We were 20 miles beyond St. Mary's! Of course the only way to get back to Harrison was back track and start over at St. Mary's. Oh my! We blew that. A little extra mileage. We were in Fernwood. We tried to call Michel and Steve to tell them we wouldn't be arriving at the time expected. No cell service in Fernwood. WHAT! I didn't know places existed like that. The nice lady at the one and only small grocery store let us use her phone to call Michel. We left a message. Mike and I were both very hungry at this point. First thought was lets get a snack. We were way beyond the snack point so we decided to make Fernwood our destination spot for our anniversary meal. Here it is!
Where are we going to sit? Ah, a little bench...perfect!
Here we go unpacking our anniversary dinner. I was cracking up. This is the best anniversary dinner ever! Loved it for sure! Who would have ever expected we would have packaged sandwiches and yogurt for our anniversary dinner. Not to mention in a town with no cell service, full of people on 4 wheelers coming to the grocery store packing their pistols on their hips! You couldn't plan anything like this. It was perfect! Gotta love the board full of ads behind Mike.
Another anniversary picture!
These are the fine ladies that let us use their phone and sold us our anniversary dinner. Kelly and Sandy!
Our view from our dinning bench!Here is the grocery store...
and the post office right next door.
OK, here we go back to the lake!
Only one picture stop on the way back to see Steve and Michel. They were at the Black Rock golf course in Coeur d alene. This was the night before the benefit golf tournament for the Team Gleason foundation. We were fortunate enough to get there in time for a huge BBQ.
We hadn't seen Steve, Michel and Rivers since January. Rivers has grown so much. He wasn't quite sure of us at first but the motorcycles broke the ice. I got him to sit on mine and he tried my helmet on then we played peek a boo through the helmet opening. He is precious as are all of our grand kids. So cool to be a grandparent. I was trying to get Mike's attention and yelled Mike and Rivers shouted out MIKE. Fun!
Left to right, me, Michel (Steve's wife), Stephen, and Mike!
Wish I could see these guys more often!
and laughter!
Oh what an anniversary it was! I couldn't have scripted it any better. Sometimes the unexpected is a blessing far beyond the expected. Love you Mr. Mike Gleason! Happy anniversary! This was a special one for sure. I am so glad I am here with you to celebrate it! God is good and thanks for the miracle of life You gave me and my family!
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