Thursday, November 24, 2016

Matthew 25:35 For I Was Hungry

Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

We volunteered to help do some cooking with Mike, Jessica, Ashley and friends on Wednesday for Blessings Under the Bridge.  Once a week under the freeway a spectacular meal is cooked for homeless in Spokane.  It started small with just a few meals cooked by Jessica and now Blessings Under the Bridge feeds hundreds and sometimes even more.  Evidence if you let God go before you and with you that great things can happen.  It was a privilege for Mike and I to help.  It was great to meet new friends and hear their stories about how God has worked in their lives.  Everyone has a story!
Our first stop was a Windermere office to pick up some new sweatshirts to donate to Blessings. Food is not the only thing that is provided.  Clothing and more!

 Here are our boxes!
 I think if the Windermere Christmas tree is up it is OK for me to start the decorating.
 They all fit in the car!  Of course they did!
We have arrived at the warehouse.  It houses all the food, clothing and supplies needed to make this happen.
 So very true!  There is always rain so dance away!
 Lots of turkeys to cook, lots!
 The kitchen, Mike and Dave!  Dave and Mike work together at Windermere.
Here we go.  Ashley ran the show for us and put us to work.  She does this every week but normally without all the help.  She has a loving heart for sure as do all who are involved in this.

Jessica and Mike! Jessica started this operation.  She felt called to cook a few meals and take the meals under the freeway bridges.  She listened to God's voice and look what happened.
The Mikes!!  Jessica and Mike are married! 

Well, this is needed to keep the power going in this warehouse.  A couple of times we had minor issues.  Gotta keep the stoves and warmers going!

 Patty came to help too.   We made a new friend.
Frozen bacon had to be cooked in anyway we could.  There was limited space with so many things being cooked.  Some of the bacon was baked and some fried.  We figured Dave must have fried about 30 pounds of bacon.

On Tuesday some helpers came and did a lot of the prep for the food we cooked on Wednesday.  They made these signs.  I saw these signs and took pictures of them not knowing we would be doing the same thing as we wrapped up our cooking.

 Patty!  Great person!

 Mashed potatoes.  I am not sure how many times we filled this bowl. A lot!
 These weren't the only two pans of green beans!  Again, not sure how many there were.
 Cutting the bacon duty for Mike!
 See how huge the mashed potato bowl was!
 Dave and his bacon!

 Shelby came by for a quick minute.  She works at Windermere.
 This was chicken and turkey!  Not the turkeys that we baked.  This is more!
 Marsha had clean up duty.  As always she jumped in where she was needed!
 Here are our signs!
There are two homeless people that live behind the warehouse.  I wish I would have asked their names.  These meals were prepared for them.   They can take their showers at the warehouse to clean up.  I know one of them is working but they haven't found a place to call home yet.
I didn't want to take a picture of them out of respect but Mike (not Gleason) did so I thought it was OK.  They didn't mind at all.
 I dropped Mike off to help with set up and I went home.   I did not have cold weather gear on.  I went home and took care of the dogs.  Mike text me and said he was doing some serving and staying awhile.
No pictures of it all set up but when we arrived at 4:15 there were already people in line.  Serving started at 6 PM.  This is exactly what we are called to do as Christians.  Mike and I were so excited about doing helping.  It was a great day!  I am not sure why it amazes me that a few little meals grew into this.  It shouldn't.  God can do anything, turn water into wine, feed thousands with a few loaves of bread and a few fish.  Thanks to Jessica, Mike and Ashley for letting us share this experience and seeing the love of God in action.

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