Thursday, June 13, 2019

A Baseball Party to Remember, Retirement

A Dodger themed party for my retirement! Perfection. Thanks to Michelle Hill for working hard to host the party.   Leaving work is not hard at all but leaving all the people I have shared life with for the last 24 years is really hard.  I am so blessed.  Not just co-workers but friends, the best of friends.  They supported me through some pretty tough times.  This party eased my sadness and helped me celebrate a new beginning.  I know that my life will change but it is in God's hands and I can't go wrong if I follow His lead! 
Thanks to everyone who came.  I had so much fun!  It was great to laugh and share memories.  

 My partner in 2nd grade.  Paulla!
 Kristin, Layne and Lucy came to the celebration.  I was so happy they were there!
 Michelle was our host.

 Baseball and granddaughters!

 Best of friends!

The second grade team!  What a team to work with.  We laughed together, played jokes on each other, shared stories of teaching and of our lives.  I couldn't have had better friends to wind down my career with.  Love you two.

 And now it's time for Jackie trivia.  So funny.  Not all questions were about teaching.

How many mistakes has Jackie made?  Answer is one.  I always said to my students that it was "the first mistake I ever made", when I made a mistake. They all laughed and said no it isn't.

What phrase does Jackie always teacher her kids that was made infamous in a 5th grade graduation speech earlier in the week?  Never Give Up ( a fifth grade student I had mentioned that I taught her that in her speech.)

Who is the boss of Jackie?  (I think I said, "Your'e not the boss of me"' to a lot to people in the most loving sort of way).  The choices were Mike, Freida or both Mike and Frieda. Really?   It is really Jesus.

How does a person who is practically perfection in almost every way get themselves excluded from the 4 Seasons club?  Easy answer Freida!  You don't like winter.  Remember the picture you sent me of someone hitting a snowman with a baseball bat.  I rest my case.

Which of Jackie's daughters is her favorite?  Another easy question.  Keri, Kristin and Katie. No matter what you say I said in Seattle Katie!

Where did Jackie get her undergraduate degree and masters degree.  EWU, Whitworth

What is Jackie's favorite baseball team and how many World Series have they won.  Dodgers and 6. Bonus points.  What is Jackie's least favorite team.  San Fransisco Giants.

What does EAOD stand for?  Elite Athletes Only Different.  Most of the members of this group were attending so not a difficult question.

How many grandchildren does Jackie have and bonus points if you can name them all. 8 Layne, Lucy, Ryland, Easton, Finn, Sean, Rivers and Gray. Sheila I don't have a grandson named Ryan.

What are Jackie's rules for eating at the dinner table?  I am just going to leave this question alone.

 What a crew!
Hope, Jack, River, Layne and Lucy.
 Aimee oh Aimee!  Thanks for taking over my class.  I know it was hard to give it up.  Courage Doesn't Always Roar and Prayer Works!



Thank you for sending me off with so much laughter and love. I like what Ryan said in his card.  Now I can be a professional baseball fan.  I like it.  Good idea.  Send me God.  I am ready and all in!

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