Monday, May 1, 2017

Walk to Defeat ALS 2017

Wow, what a difference a year makes.  Much improved from last year.  A change of location and a change of date!  There was a great turnout for the walk.  At this point $33,000 has been raised but the money that came in the day of the walk has not been added in.  The day started for the volunteers about 8:30.  Setting up tables, putting together signs and in general getting everything ready.  I really didn't do much when I got there. Everything was under control.  I did put together some signs.  

Off to set up signs on the route!

Riverfront Park.  Great location!!

Nancy plowed right in and got the arch up.  I would say I did a little bit but mostly supervised.  I had no idea what to do and neither did she but she got it done!  One step at a time! We had one other helper that was a lot more helpful than I was.
Bonnie and Paulla with a big blue guy!  Love the Spokane Indians, can't wait to go to our 7 games.
I am hiding!
Cheryl who works with all of us and her son!  So glad they came to support the walk. Grateful!!!
Cassie recruited her classmates to join the walk.  I really appreciate the work she did to grow Team Gleason!

Leslie Lowe kicked things off along with Amara!
and Becky!
I wanted to wait until everyone arrived before I had them take our team picture.  Well, I waited too long.  The photographer was off doing other things.  I just happened to have my camera so we used that.
We started to move toward the walk and up walks Mike and about 10 others.  Redo!!! Never a dull moment with Mike! Check him out in the picture. 

Off we go! I was going to put the sign away but Mike thought we should carry it.  Mike isn't carrying it! Tim and Kim and their group got stuck with the sign.  Not sure how that happened.

Mike, Jennifer, and Jackie!
We had great weather for sure!

I took this picture accidentally but I like it.  Only because blue sky has been rare in Spokane this spring.
All done!  The arch is still up! Now to our food tradition.  I really appreciate each person that signed up and walked with us.  It made me so happy to see the support for ALS.  I can't thank everyone enough.  It made my heart happy.  I am looking forward to next year already.  It is going to be even better.  Thank you to everyone!!!
I was a little behind my friends.  There was some sadness when I got there.  An empty table.
There's the sadness!  Breaks my heart!
Ah, that was what she was waiting for.  Happiness!
No lunch at the Blackbird until 2:00.  Who waits to have lunch until 2:00!  Who starts serving lunch at 2:00.  We had some snacks and headed to a place that actually served lunch at the correct time.  Needless to say we were having fun!
Last stop was the Backyard.  Not a person's backyard but the restaurant named Backyard.  Kat got her burger that she had been waiting for.  I had my BLT!  There was more but the best thing was time with these beautiful friends.

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