Monday, July 16, 2018

Upper Columbia RV Vacation Day One and Two

vvVHere we are, we have our travel trailer ready and off we go.  I have to say there is some work involved in getting ready to go but once you have landed somewhere it is so good.  I think it took us a couple of hours to start driving but we are still rookies at this.  We will get faster.  It's a vacation, we don't have to go fast.  We loaded the kayaks and bikes the day before to save some time.  Ready to spend some time together and to experience more of the God we love in the forests of northern Washington.  
 Hehe!  Representing!
A three hour drive was ahead of us.  We prayed before we left that we would have no issues driving, among other things.  Guess what! Prayer works.  No issues!
We have arrived!!!! 

 Our camp hosts were Sarah and Lloyd.  They were the best!!!
All set up in a beautiful spot.  The whole park is full of tress, birds, mini waterfalls and more.
I decided to go see the beach.  Good, really good!

Some people are called Seasonal's.  They stay at the park for months during the summer and store their trailers at the park in the winter.  This is one example of that!
Serious mosquitos so I strolled (quickly) back to the trailer to get bug spray.  Bug spray was a must if you were outside.  Our camp host called it camp perfume!

This little cabin was right across from us.  I am not sure if there were more cabins.  This was the only one I saw in my adventures around the park.
 Ahhhhhhh!  We are done for the evening.
 Tuesday rolled around and so did the rain.  Mike had to go back to Spokane to pick something up so I was trailer bound for a while.  Taking pictures is what I do so I started inside.
 The rain let up so I ventured out of the trailer.  It wasn't a cold day just rainy.
 I walked around the park and took pictures of stuff.

When Mike got back the rain was dwindling.  A hike to a nearby waterfall was on our list of things to do.
We thought we could also ride our mountain bikes on this trail after we hiked.  As we climbed farther we decided we would probably be pushing our bikes up the hills so we stuck to the hiking.
This cedar tree looked like one huge tree but it wasn't.  When we came back down the trail we realized the there were two trees growing right next to each other.

 First signs of water if you look closely through the leaves.
 More water!

The way the trees were growing along the side of the trail was interesting to me.  They had to have pretty deep roots to stay upright!!!
 This was called the party house.  It still is called that but no parties anymore.
 We are almost to the falls and we had a gorgeous view of the farms around the area.

 And here we go!
 Well worth the hike!

 This tree has a particularly interesting trunk.

 Like I said, these trees have to have deep, deep roots.

 We are back!

 Time for dinner.  Mike grilled up some yummy steaks!

 An after dinner walk to explore the park.

 Mike was being Mike here.  Just had to see inside.
 Down to the beach in search for a fishing spot.

 Love the reflection of the clouds in the water.  One of my favorite pictures!

Have you ever tried to get a close picture of a robin?  I wasn't very successful.  This little bird kept moving when I got close.  This was the best I could do!  I cropped it so it looks closer than it really was.
Off to our home base to get ready for the next day!

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